Book Review: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I learned this book from @WinnersCursePh in twitter so thank you. I really did enjoy this book. So the novel starts with the general's daughter, Kestrel, who accidentally witness a slave auction and during that auction she was drawn to Arin, which causes her to purchase him for a huge sum of money, thus acknowledging her of having a winner's curse. But little did she knew that it was all orchestrated in order for the Herranis to overthrow the Valorians. The motive behind it is to regain their state back. And as they spend time together they began to form a relationship; from being merely companions to one another to becoming romantically involved. This relationship is considered taboo since a Herrani and Valorian relationship is looked down upon, since the Herranis are considered to be slaves. What I liked about this novel is politics behind it. It reminded me of the colonizations that took place in the past w...