Jennifer Niven Book Signing Event

I arrived in SM Megamall at around 6am and I met up with my twitter friends. I had so much fun waiting with them because we talked about a lot of bookish stuff that made the waiting bareable. With (Avy) @MorganMatsonPH, (Karen)@WinnersPH, & (Pam)@ThrnsAndAll With (Karen)@WinnersPH, & (Pam)@ThrnsAndAll They let us in for the registration early, around 9am and the event started around two pm. I almost cried because all of the emotions from reading All the Bright Places came back to me when Jennifer Niven arrived at the event and I'm not the only one. I think it was an emotional day for everyone due to the All the Bright Places being a relatable and exceptionally sad book. Also, it was so sorrowful when Jennifer talked about her inspiration for this book because this situation happened to her and a boy she loved. To add, I love how she made the book more personal and real by creating the aspects of the book into a reality just like the Germ Magazine...