*ARC* Book Review: No Two Ways by Chi Yu Rodriguez

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance, Queer Romance Release date: April 27, 2019 BOOK COVER INFO Cover Models: Rachel Coates, Gab Pangilinan, Gio Gahol Photographed by: Chi Yu Rodriguez Cover Designed by: Chi Yu Rodriguez Title Art by: Carla de Guzman Styling by: Alex Lapa SYNOPSIS AJ Felipe makes the most of being the head information security engineer for a local law firm with the help of her loyal team of nerds. Their job isn't really the most fun, but things take a turn when one of her junior security engineers decides to nominate her for a makeover show. Enter Jackie NiƱo, the one-night stand AJ didn't expect to meet again—who also happens to be the makeup artist who's going to get her all dolled up on national television. More complications arise after the episode is aired and another ghost from her past comes back to haunt her: Axel Herrera, the ex-boyfriend who still thinks she left him because she's a lesbian. Spo...