September 2022 Haul and Favorites

Since it was my Birth month, I decided to splurge on myself for a bit. I also wanted to update my gadgets by changing their cases. I rarely change my case but they were so broken down that it was not protecting my gadgets anymore. I also clothes for my cousin's wedding and a new smart watch for fitness purposes (my Fitbit is dying as well :( ). But they have yet to arrive. This month, I started and got hooked with watching Merlin. I just finished season 4 and will start the final season. I know that it will destroy me. My favorite book that I read this month is The Bodyguard by Katherine Center. It is a light romance read and I love the characters. What are your monthly favorites and hauls? Please tell me below. Be sure to follow my social media accounts to see bookish stuffs or chat about books, or be reading buddies. Instagram Bookstagram Twitter Goodreads XOXO, Bella