Hello! I know I have been missing in action these past few months. I lot has happen in my life. I finished my coursework, internship, and written comprehensive exam for my Master's degree. I have also been volunteering in a mental health organization. Nevertheless, I still try to read books as much as I can. So far I have read 48 books out of my goal of 50 books this year. 1. Best Book You've Read so Far in 2021 2. Best Sequel You've Read so Far in 2021 3. New Release You Haven't Read Yet, But Want To 4. Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half the Year 5. Biggest Disappointment 6. Biggest Surprise 7. Favorite New Author 8. Newest Fictional Crush 9. Newest Favorite Character 10. Book That Made You Cry 11. Book That Made You Happy 12. Most Beautiful Book You've Brought so far this Year 13. What Book(s) Do You Need To Read By The End of the Year? . .....................................................................